Strawberries, Frozen (1kg / 2.2lb)


Nestled in the Murray Hills, our picturesque farm is located in Hastings County north of Prince Edward County and east of the Northumberland Hills. Beautiful views of nature are abundant, and the sweet smell of fruit is in the air.

We have certainly had a glow up over the past 42 years since establishing the farm in 1981. After a fire destroyed the old farmhouse, we were challenged with not only planting our first berries on our newly purchased barren land and with building a place to live.  It was then that Brambleberry Farm was born!  Just a crazy dream for a young couple and child!

 In the 90's, we joined with the Ministry of Natural resources to reforest the remainder of the land and planted over 15,000 trees to create our wooded wonderland.

 In 2013, we purchased more land to increase the variety of fruits and vegetables that we produce on our now 237 acres of land.  At that time our second generation joined the growing farm team, and now over the years we have become a popular destination for pick-your-own fruit and vegetables.

To us, sustainable agriculture is farming that meets the needs of existing and future generations while also ensuring profitability and environmental health. It favours techniques that emulate nature to preserve soil fertility, prevent water pollution and protect biodiversity.