Fresh Greens
Aquaponic. Hydroponic. Greenhouse.
How do greens grow in the Canadian winter?
Farmers use innovative methods to produce crunchy, delicious greens even in the coldest weather:
Aquaponics: Uses a symbiotic system where fish and plants grow together, recycling nutrients efficiently.
Hydroponics: Soil-free farming using nutrient-rich water, optimized for year-round growth.
Greenhousing: Soil-based growing in a sheltered environment to protect plants from the elements.

what's in your salad?
Reduced Water Usage
Both aquaponic and hydroponic growing methods use significantly less water compared to traditional farming.
Minimal Waste
Controlled environments lead to efficient resource use and less spoilage.
Less time
Harvested just days before it arrives at your doorstep.
No Chemical Treatments
No chlorine. No preservatives. No anti-browning agents. No wax.
Less Distance
Coming from just hours away, instead of days.