Spicy Mix Microgreens



Are you seeing this ingredient sold out?
We are now harvesting these greens to order - which means they are only available to purchase Thursday morning until Monday morning, when we let the farmer know how many to harvest. We pick them up on Tuesdays to deliver to your doorstep Tuesday-Thursday, which means you get the freshest, and most nutritionally dense microgreens possible!

(Radish and wasabi mustard)

This healthy spicy mix will be sure to satisfy the spicy lovers taste buds! A sharp flavourful peppery punch that's reminiscent of actual wasabi, without producing the infamous nasal burn. Along with the peppery taste from the radish and added crunch! Perfect to add to nachos, soup, Chillies, sandwiches, wraps, charcuterie boards and more!

Health benefits:
Wasabi mustard is packed with antioxidants, fiber, Vitamins A,C, E, and K. Excellent source of Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Copper, Phosphorous, Folate, Manganese, Zinc, Folate, Niacin, Magnesium, Iron, Potassium and Calcium. Radish offers vitamins A, B, C, E, and K. Calcium iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc. But that’s not all. Radish offer fibre and are rich in essential amino acids and chlorophyll!

Here at Littleleaf Farms we are proud to offer our customers a variety of microgreens that are grown using organic methods with consideration for the health of consumers and the environment. All of our microgreens are grown in Ontario with certified organic and GMO-free seeds. We use organic certified soil and ozonated water for the most naturally grown greens.

We are dedicated to working with our customers to ensure that they receive the best quality produce that fits their specific needs. We harvest and deliver our microgreens within 24 hours to ensure that they have a fresh crisp flavour that is sure to have a BIG IMPACT. Our motto is Little greens, Big IMPACT! Taste the nutritious crunch! ( 30-40% more nutrient value than the full grown counterpart)

Website: littleleaffarms.ca

Contact - Larissa - larissa@littleleaffarms.ca