Canadian Atlantic Salmon (Boneless/Skinless/Smoked) - 150g


Ingredients: Atlantic salmon, Golden yellow sugar, Salt, Natural hardwood smoke.

Allergy Alerts: Please read ingredient lists.

Pric per Unit:

Gratitude's Smoked Canadian Atlantic Salmon offers a unique blend of ocean freshness and smoky notes. Responsibly farmed, each purchase supports our commitment to sustainable aquaculture.

Gratitude is a First Nation owned seafood enterprise.


In each can of Gratitude's Smoked Atlantic Salmon, you'll find a tantalizing balance of flavours. Sustainably nurtured in BAP approved aquaculture, our salmon offers a taste of the ocean, delicately enhanced by a gentle smoky kiss.

    Balanced combination of smoky flavor and ocean freshness
    Responsibly sourced from BAP approved aquaculture
    Rich source of protein and essential nutrients
    Each purchase contributes to our collective efforts for a sustainable future

Our commitment to sustainable sourcing reflects in every can of Canadian Atlantic Salmon we bring to your table.