Canadian Atlantic Salmon (Boneless/Skinless/With Sea Salt) - 150g


Ingredients: Atlantic Salmon, Salt

Allergy Alerts: Please read ingredient lists.

Pric per Unit:

Dive into the harmonious blend of Atlantic Salmon and sea salt, sustainably sourced from BAP approved aquaculture. Gratitude's commitment to quality and community growth is embodied in each can.

Gratitude is a First Nation owned seafood enterprise.

We hold a promise to nature, honouring the seas that offer us their bounty. We source our Atlantic Salmon from Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) certified fisheries, ensuring that our actions today don't compromise the oceans of tomorrow. 

    Only a touch of sea salt added for a superior taste.
    Responsibly sourced from BAP approved aquaculture
    High in Omega-3 fatty acids, promoting a heart-healthy diet
    Each purchase promotes unity and supports our mission towards sustainability

Our commitment to sustainable sourcing reflects in every can of Canadian Atlantic Salmon we bring to your table.