Purple Magic Potatoes (BULK PRE-ORDER)

$20.95 $23.90

Bag Size

*Savings based on a regular 5lb bag at $11.95

Order by Sunday to ensure delivery the same week! 

By pre-ordering a bag of Purple Magic potatoes, you're letting us know how many to order from the farm. Once we have the potatoes onsite, we will send them with your next delivery!

'Purple Magic' potatoes are medium-to-large tubers with purple skin and and purple flesh circled with a unique white ring on the inside. They have a slightly dry, floury texture (but not a bitter taste) and are best suited to oven roasting, frying, baking, and making chips. Since they don't really lose any colour when they're cooked they add a fun splash of colour to any dish- the baby potato version that is dug in the early summer makes colourful potato salads and can be boiled since they have not reached their high starch content yet. The mature tubers are not good for boiling due to this high starch content- they go mushy.

Fun fact- due to the high dry matter content typical to this variety, American chip company Terra chips used Purple Magic potatoes to make their blue potato chips with the distinctive white ring around the edge.

'Purple Magic' is the result of a cross between 'Premiere' and 'Congo' varieties, and was bred by Paul Watts of the Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute breeding station in Loughgall, Co. Armagh, Ireland in 2003. Watts bred this potato variety to be high in anthocyanin, a compound naturally found in all blue or purple potato varieties that is chock full of antioxidants. He bred it to be boosted in this compound in the both the skin and the flesh. It took 13 years to breed this variety.