Purple Peruvian Potatoes (BULK PRE-ORDER)

$20.95 $23.90

Bag Size
*Savings based on a regular 5lb bag at $11.95

By pre-ordering a bag of Purple Peruvian potatoes, you're letting us know how many to order from the farm. Once we have the potatoes onsite, we will send them with your next delivery!

Purple Peruvian potatoes are a fingerling type with dark purple skin and dark purple dry flesh that can sometimes be marbled with white. When cooked, the flesh becomes a light bluish-purple hue and the texture becomes similar to a standard Russet potato. It has mid-range starch content, and is less starchy and moister than a Russet, with a taste that is slightly nuttier and earthier.

This variety is excellent roasted, braised, boiled, baked, and fried. It is usually enjoyed roasted or made into chips.

This is an heirloom variety from the Andes Mountain Highlands in Peru, and has been cultivated to grow comfortably here in Central Ontario.

Purple potato varieties are among hundreds of other varieties found in Peru. Most of these varieties never see a market and are traded among communities or given as gifts. There are also specific varieties used for occasions such as weddings, baptisms, and funerals. Potato cultivation has become rooted in Peruvian traditions and rituals and is being passed on from generation to generation.

The Purple potato is native to the high plains and mountain slopes of Peru and Bolivia. Today Purple potatoes are easily grown in the northern hemisphere and are cultivated in regions of South America, North America, and Europe.