Irish Cobbler Potatoes (BULK PRE-ORDER)

$11.95 $15.90

Bag Size

*Savings based on a regular 5lb bag at $7.95

Order by Sunday to ensure delivery the same week! 

By pre-ordering a bag of Irish Cobbler potatoes, you're letting us know how many to order from the farm. Once we have the potatoes onsite, we will send them with your next delivery!

Irish Cobbler potatoes are a white fleshed early season variety with a tan netted skin. They are a slightly floury potato and are popular in Japan.

Irish Cobbler potatoes are a medium-sized heirloom variety dating back to the 1870's and were once widely grown on Prince Edward Island. They are believed to be a cultivar of the Early Rose potato, and are ready for harvest in Ontario in late summer.