Goat Cheddar, Organic (~150g)


Ingredients: pastuerized goat's milk, salt, rennet, bacterial culture

Allergy Alerts: Please read ingredient lists. dairy

Pric per Unit: $5.95/100g

Aged for one year, this cheddar is made with the milk from grass-fed goats raised on a biodynamic farm in Brussels, Ontario.

Capella Meadows produces cheese on a small scale. We want to bring the unique taste from our farm to your table.

Our family farm is located in Huron County; it is organically certified and farmed with biodynamic principles. The goats spend a lot of the summer grazing, and during the winter months, we provide them with hay and silage of the best quality possible. All our feed is produced on the farm. We work hard to improve biodiversity on our farm, improve our soil health, and, with that, the quality of our milk. Our cheese is produced without additives, and we continually strive towards more natural ways of cheese making.