Red Chieftain Potatoes (BULK PRE-ORDER)

$11.95 $15.90

Bag Size

*Savings based on a regular 5lb bag at $7.95

Order by Sunday to ensure delivery the same week! 

By pre-ordering a bag of Red Chieftain potatoes, you're letting us know how many to order from the farm. Once we have the potatoes onsite, we will send them with your next delivery!

Red Chieftain potatoes are round to oval shaped with red skin and white flesh. This heritage variety is perfect for salads, and can also be boiled or made into chips or fries. The flesh stays firm and moist when cooked.

This cultivar was bred by A. E. Kehr and was selected by the Department of Horticulture, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa in 1957. It was registered in Canada in 1953.