Yukon Gem Potatoes (BULK PRE-ORDER)

$11.95 $15.90

Bag Size

*Savings based on a regular 5lb bag at $7.95

Order by Sunday to ensure delivery the same week! 

By pre-ordering a bag of Yukon Gem potatoes, you're letting us know how many to order from the farm. Once we have the potatoes onsite, we will send them with your next delivery!

Yukon Gem potatoes are similar to Yukon Golds. They have the same rich, nutty flavour and all-purpose versatility. The have the same light-yellow flesh, round-oblong shape, and light brown-yellow skin, except they can be identified by small red splashes on the skin particularly near the eyes that Yukon Golds don't have. 

They are great for making chips, have a lighter fry colour than Yukon Golds, and a lower specific gravity.

This cultivar was the result of a cross between a Yukon Gold and the Scottish 'Brodick' potato. It was bred by Jeffrey C. Stark of the University of Idaho, Idaho Falls, USA, and was developed at North Dakota State and selected by the United States Department of Agriculture- Agriculture Research Services, University of Idaho Potato Breeding Program, in 1994. It was released to the commercial market in 2006.